the home of convivial gaming
Here you can find links to the Kickstarter projects we back for board games and card games
We support a least one new project each month. We figure that a fair rule in life is that 'what goes around, comes around', so it does all of us good to encourage independent games design and innovation.
All of these game receive our direct financial support, and, if published, we buy and stock them for as long the product remains available.
Our 2019 projects include:
March - Micro Brew
Micro Brew is the Board Game Geek award-winning mint tin sized game for 2 player - or 2-4 if you have two game tins.
A delightful little worker placement game that lasts around an hour, from our lovely Scottish chums One Free Elephant, who also created Ore-Some and Carcosa.
Our 2016 projects include:
June - The Game of Blame
The Game of Blame is a jolly card game from Warmacre Games - inventors of Jane Austen's Matchmaker. We met the power behind the throne at the UK Games Expo in June 2016, and are delighted to have been a Kickstarter backer for this title, which we now have in stock here.
The Queen is in a bad mood because her Realm is a total mess. Someone is going to pay - just make sure it isn't you!
In this fast-paced card game for 2 to 4 players you raise the issues that will earn the Queen's displeasure and then blame your friends for everything! Cold-blooded betrayal has never been so much fun!
May - The Dark Eye (Das Schwartze Auge)
See the original Kickstarter details here
And buy the products from us here
Europe’s most popular fantasy RPG, The Dark Eye, is now available in English.
People have been playing The Dark Eye for over 30 years. It’s a well-crafted, believable medieval world created by masterful German designers native to a land of dark woods, deep mines, and high castles. Over 30 years, those designers and a vast fan base of hundreds of thousands of players have created a rich fantasy lore without compare! The Dark Eye (TDE) has the largest active community of any European roleplaying game. Years of gaming and stories provide a depth to the world not commonly found in other games.
This latest edition of The Dark Eye brings together decades of design refinements and player suggestions, all coordinated by a passionate and skilled team who have been playing for years.
2015 projects included:
November - Würm
by editions_icare
French publisher Editions Icare in partnership with Nocturnal Media (US publisher of King Arthur Pendragon & Aquelarre) is proud to present the roleplaying game Würm in an English-language edition. Loved by players in France for the quality of its writing and illustrations, Würm is a game set at the very origins of humanity, in the last period of the Ice Age 35,000 years ago.
The game is system-lite — characters don’t have Attributes or even Skills, but they are instead described by Strengths like Secret of the Bear or Eye of the Panther and Weaknesses such as Fearful or One-Eyed. And the nature of the game is at your discretion — you may play a game that’s more historically accurate or you may decide to incorporate fantastical elements like magic and the spirit world. For the past eight years, Editions Icare has developed a reputation for publishing independent roleplaying games with strong themes. This Kickstarter shared this bestselling game with a wider audience via this English-language edition. Würm is professionally translated.
In Würm you will find adventure in the prehistoric past of our own world, in a time before history began, thirty-five thousand years ago when man was not safe from the world around him!
November - The Great Dinosaur Rush
by APE Games
The Great Dinosaur Rush is another wonderful entry in designer Scott Almes' game catalog.
This time, players take the roles of paleontologists in the late 1800's, competing to find the most lucrative dig sites, find the best bones and build the most unique dinosaurs for the world's most prestigious museums. Those were cutthroat times and these otherwise reasonable scientists did whatever it took to stand out from their peers. Sabotage and other notorious acts were not uncommon. Players are paleontologists collecting bones and building dinosaurs for the most prestigious museums.
Each turn, in addition to collecting bones, players will select various actions to perform. Some actions will gain players notoriety - secret tokens ranging in value from 1-3. Notoriety is revealed and added to players' scores at the end of the game. But the player with the most notoriety is called out and their notoriety is subtracted from their score! Building dinosaurs using the discovered bones gives players a chance to unleash their creative side.
The size and shape of your creations are limited only by your imagination!
September - ...and then we held hands
LudiCreations is very proud to present …and then, we held hands., the award winning debut game of Maltese game designers David Chircop and Yannick Massa. Previously released as a free Print & Play game, it is now available with high quality materials, in a small and beautiful package, which is bursting with the amazing art of Marie Cardouat.
...and then we held hands. is a co-operative game about finding balance. To win, the two players must complete objectives and reach the center of the board.
The players take turns trying to fulfill the current common emotional objective by discarding emotion cards to move from node to node. They must do this without verbal communication, empathizing and always considering each other's situation when making a move.
A player can use their own cards or their partner's, but if their move causes their partner to be unable to move, the players lose and the game ends. While moving from node to node, their balance shifts, and they are not able to refill their hand. The game features a card-splaying mechanism in which players change their "perspective" to reveal a new set of options.
The players win by meeting in the center while in a balanced state and within one turn of each other - something quite difficult, and therefore very rewarding when achieved.
...and then we held hands. features art by beloved French illustrator Marie Cardouat, known for the art found in beautiful games such as Dixit, Steam Park, and Marrakech.
July - Jane Austen's Matchmaker - Emma Expansion
We have always tried to keep the original Matchmaker in stock, but find like Austen's novels it flies off the shelves. We are very happy to have been able to back the Emma Expansion by Erika Savanoe - the designer of the original Jane Austen's Matchmaker game - and hope to bring it to you in January 2016
Check out the following web address for details:
And, if you like animated American Emma enthusiasm (which we do)
June - Silicon Heart - a Graphic Novel by Sam Roads and Kat Nicholson
We've known Sam for over 20 years, and supported his initial much-acclaimed Kickstarter venture Kristo. We've delighted that he is now working with the wonderful lady artist Kat Nicholson, and think Welsh Art is vastly enriched by their magnificent work on Silicon Heart. You will be able to buy it here in Graphic Novel form, and you can learn more about the project below:
May - Crestfallen RPG - for Fate Core RPG
We love indie games, and we love Fate, so this was a real find for us. What better background to an RPG project than to quote the designer Dan Hiscutt himself.
'Crestfallen is the result of over 15 years of historical research, it has a mythology crafted with real passion, and a worldwide fanbase that has been accumulating since the late '90s. It's 280+ pages of awesome. This is a deeply personal project that has been a part of my life for many years. Please help make my dreams become a reality. Your help will fund artwork and editing that will make Crestfallen a truly kick-ass' product.
April - A Time to Reflect
Cris and I have both made separate trips to Nepal in the last ten years. More recently, Cris worked with three former servicemen who had served with the Gurkha regiments for many years before becoming permanent residents in Britain. We game for fun, for pleasure, to socialise with friends, and sometimes to escape from some of the little irritations of every day life. What happened at the end of April this year in Nepal was more than a little irritation. In recent days we have not contributed to any Kickstarter projects, but instead supported a variety of charities that are working to help the people of Nepal recover from the great natural disaster that has struck their country. If you read this, whenever you read this, spare a thought for the fine, friendly, courageous people of Nepal, and rather than buying a game today, make a contribution that could help change lives in a faraway place when playing games is - right now - a far away dream.
Click here to support the Disasters Emergency Commitee appeal supporting victims of the Nepal Earthquakes
On Saturday 25 April a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal.
It severely shook the lives of at least 8m people and left many homeless. Nepal’s major cities, including the capital Kathmandu, have been badly damaged and rural areas near the epicentre have been completely cut off by avalanches. Already over 7000 people have been confirmed dead and the figure is likely to rise significantly in the coming days. Even those whose homes are still standing are sleeping in the streets because they are terrified by regular aftershocks. DEC member agencies and their partners are working urgently to provide emergency shelter, food, clean water and blankets. Once immediate, life-saving needs are met they will work with individuals, families and communities to support them to rebuild their lives. You can help by making a donation now.
March - Chainmail Bikini: An Anthology of Women Gamers
Previously, our 2014 games included:
December 2014: Steampunk Rally
Game design by Orin Bishop, art byLina Cosette and David Forest, published by Roxley Game Laboratory of Canada. Steampunk rally is not just Steampunk themed by features great inventors from Tesla to Curie, and mechanised steam machines that race across the grand setting of the Swiss Alps, or (now it is unlocked with Kickstarter), the Hoverdrome.
Drop us an email to preorder your copy now (due Summer 2015) or back it yourself via Kickstarter.
November 2014: Oddball Aeronauts 2: Double the Trouble
Oddball Aeronauts 2 is a follow up to the successful Kickstarter funded game of the same name.
A standalone sequel - original oddball Aeronauts not required - or expands oddball Aeronauts with 2 new factions, multiplayer dogfights and still NO SURFACE REQUIRED New oddball officers, bots and crew with different deck compositions and playing styles. These guys are also armed with new tricks with which to dazzle your foes.
Will you side with the wild and wily, gun totin' Free Kingdoms or the outlawed, gadget obsessed Mechinauts? Join us in backing the game by following the Kickstarter link below, or drop us an email to reserve your pre-ordered copy (copies due out late spring 2015) of this excellent expansion.
October 2014: Smoke & Glass - a Steampunk setting for Fate Core RPG
Smoke and Glass is a steampunk urban fantasy setting for Fate Core written by Abigail Corfman and presented by Phoenix Outlaw Productions. This unique setting welcomes players to the city of Kroy, where the technology of a steampunk-Dickensian inspired world meets storybook fantasy and magic. Players take on the roles of Kroy's diverse citizenry as they fight to claim their place on the mean streets of this dangerous city.
September 2014: Veggie Trumps - Vegucation at its best
Veggie Trumps is a two player card game for Adults and Children alike, fun and highly playable, yet also educational. The designer says: Here at Veggie Trumps Headquarters we were scratching our heads trying to think about how we could make fruit and veg a bit more fun. Then late one night some clever cloggs came up with Veggie Trumps. You see, we want learning about the goodness of fruits and veg to be a bit more interesting, we'll even tell you how easy it is to grow your own - Imagine picking your own apples from the garden, and making your own smoothies! Anyway enough of the wordy bit, we could talk about Veggie Trumps until the cherries come home but we really want you to try it out for yourself...... Get your packs today by backin us on Kickstarter - Veggie Trumps on Kickstarter
August 2014: Mouse Guard: Swords & Strongholds
Mouse Guard: Swords & Strongholds - 'A two player board game from the Mouse Guard Comics - for guardmice, patrons of the June Alley, and their fans' by David Petersen (project by Luke Crane). The look and feel of the game board and pieces has qualities like The Viking Game - a classic game in the truest sense of the word. Coupled with David's wonderful artwork (hints of Beatrix Potter and Wind in the Willows, but with a fierce edge).
July 2014: Ophir
Ophir - 'Sail the seas and master the market against rival merchants in a race to construct the Temple of the ancient world of Ophir!' - project by Justin Schaeffer, game by Jason D Kingsley and Charles Wright, published by Terra Nova Games. The art is by Naomi Robinson, and was a major influence on our choice to back this game, along with the three dimensional board design.
We are selling Ophir from December 2014 as part of its worldwide product launch.